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Big Book Chapter 5: How It Works

Pg. 62

If God could direct your thinking it might become better.

If you’re thinking becomes better, then your actions and your life’s going to become better. And just as importantly, the lives of those around you that care for would probably become better too.

Left on your own resources, you’re always going to do the same things you’ve always done. You’re going to remain restless, irritable and discontented. You’re going to stay filled with shame, fear, guilt and remorse. Sooner or later under those conditions, you’re going to go back to drinking again.

If you don’t find some way to be sober and have a little piece of mind, serenity and happiness, you’ll never have any long-lasting sobriety and

you can't do that on self-will.

And he made it clear to me in such a manner that I was able to make the decision to turn my will, which is my thinking apparatus, and my life, which is my actions, over to the care of God as I understood him. It is absolutely amazing what has taken place since that time.

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