Taking Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol...
Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol -- that our lives had become unmanageable. I began my journey of understanding, then...
A personal journey..
On my own journey through recovery, MyRecoveryCorner.com is my opportunity to collect and share my experience, strength, and hope. So much of what we hear in the rooms has been heard before, repeated with some additions, embellishments and edits. I make no claim that what I recount is original. My sponsor reminds me everything I knew about recovery coming in to the rooms was on the first page of the Big Book. You don't have to look, it's blank in the earlier editions. I'll annotate and give credit when I recall or am able to but this is shared in the spirit of giving back what was so freely given to me. Your own shared experiences are encouraged and welcome.